Monday, February 2, 2015

Walnut Biscotti

Morning treats photographed by the fabulous photographer and my dear friend, Alexis.

The best kind of accompaniment to coffee is a treat you can dunk.

Pecan Biscotti: Makes 2 dozen.
  1. 3 eggs
  2. 3/4 sugar
  3. 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  4. 2 tbsp milk
  5. 1 tbsp vanilla
  6. 1 tsp almond extract 
  7. 4 cups all-purpose flour
  8. 2 tsp baking powder
  9. 1 cup chopped pecans
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Beat eggs and sugar together until thoroughly combined. 
  3. Add oil, milk, vanilla, and almond extract. 
  4. Add flour, baking powder and pecans to wet mixture.  
  5. Use your hands to knead the dough into a log about 1 foot long.
  6. Put parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Place the log onto the sheet and cup your hands over it (as if you had your hands on piano keys) to flatten it. It should be about 5-6 inches wide. 
  7. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and place on a cooling rack for about 10 minutes. 
  8. Increase the oven temperature to 375 degrees.
  9. Slice the log into slices about a finger's width. Place back onto the cookie sheet and bake for an additional 14 minutes. At 7 minutes flip the biscotti over to ensure even cooking. 
  10. Let cool again for a few minutes and then happy dunking!
  11. Place extras in an airtight container that can be stored at room temperature for three weeks. 
Original recipe modified from Browneyedbaker.

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