The most adventurous thing I have done thus far has been to go traipsing about Thailand and Cambodia with my older sister Maria and her best friend Jan this past Thanksgiving.
This was the first temple we visited.
We are such cuties.
Maria looking fabulous as always.
My adorable self looking, well… adorable.
Jan and I waiting for our fruit smoothies. We treated ourselves to fruit every day.
We all took a cooking class as a birthday gift to me. Jan was making red curry paste. It smelled awful! We make a six course meal each. I admit to not caring for Thai food as much as I had hoped.
Maria taking yet another fruit snack break. Jan consulting her Thailand travel guide in order to determine the best place to lunch. (Clearly I'm not contributing to the planning.)
We visited an elephant sanctuary in Chang Mai one day. Obviously this little nugget was the center of attention.
Jan bathing an éléphant. Work it girl. Use those arms.
Naturally we had to get a group photo.
Best friends lounging together with all their mugs. Seriously, they were on a hydration kick. Every 30 minutes or so they would look at me and say, "Kate, have you drank some water?"
We all went for a run one morning. It was outrageously hot. We got a lot of strange looks. Those Thai people definitely don't exercise. We were the crazy American tourists.
Maria taking a selfie while I try to be useful and capture the scenery.
Jan climbing the narrow stairs. Too many stairs at all the temples. TOO MANY! I'm afraid of heights and going down was so frightening, but it was worth it to being the top for a few moments.
Angkor Wat is a huge temple complex. We spent a whole day going from temple to temple. It truly is a magnificent palace.
Maria making her γιαγια "grandmother" face. Glamourous shades, hands on her hips, she is not taking any sass. None.
We biked through rice paddies in Cambodia. Maria made a friend. He just hopped right on her bike.
More cutie pies.
On our river rides to see the floating villages Maria and I decided to check out the scenery on the roof.
Maria and Jan had at least two coconuts per day. Once they had drunk all the water, the vendors would cut the coconut open and they would eat the flesh. It was a perfect hydrating treat, which means Maria and Jan gave their seal of approval.
We didn't really spend much money on trinkets or gifts to ourselves. We did come across a wonderful pottery shop though, and that was such a treat. I think all three of us spent the equivalent of $50 and we bought four huge bags of goodies! I love a good bargain!